Docker-compose with django could not translate host name "db" to address: Name or service not known Docker-compose with django could not translate host name "db" to address: Name or service not known postgresql postgresql

Docker-compose with django could not translate host name "db" to address: Name or service not known

Add network, link and depends_on configuration in docker compose file.


  services:      db:          build: .          container_name: db          networks:              - djangonetwork      web:          build: .          depends_on:             - db          links:             - db:db          networks:             - djangonetwork  networks:      djangonetwork:          driver: bridge

Answering my question, this was a stupid one...

My was selecting only the settings file, and was not taking into account the settings file. So it was breaking in the CLI and was not breaking inside the app.

In the "django" part of your docker-compose.yml under "depends_on" section try adding links: - db:db after it, or even replace the depends_on: db with that.

I'll bet if you typed in docker logs (container name) you'd see it's obviously having trouble working out where "db" points to.

I think they're looking to end support for links in docker-compose in new iterations at least I read that somewhere..