Error Relation does not exist Error Relation does not exist postgresql postgresql

Error Relation does not exist

Directly before your client.query('INSERT...') call, run the following to ensure that your relation is accessible on the current connection:

client.query('SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables', function(err, result) {  console.log(result);});

If you don't see your causes relation among the results, then either the relation doesn't exist, or it was created under a different user.

This is probably a case folding issue. See this answer and the PostgreSQL documentation on SQL syntax.

After edit: Looks like it isn't a case folding issue. Check search_path (SHOW search_path or SELECT current_setting('search_path')) and compare it to the schema the table is in (\dt+ tablename) to make sure the table is on the client's path.

Also make sure you're connecting to the same database.

I'm not sure if any of you facing the similar situation like I did.

Please make sure you are using correct user/password to the correct database host.

I found I connected to a wrong database :(