Fetching a sum of intervals in JOOQ Fetching a sum of intervals in JOOQ postgresql postgresql

Fetching a sum of intervals in JOOQ

This is probably a bug in jOOQ (#5785).

As a workaround, you can implement your own sum function like this:

public static Field<BigDecimal> sumTimestampDiff(    final Field<Timestamp> start,     final Field<Timestamp> end) {    return new CustomField<BigDecimal>("sum", SQLDataType.NUMERIC) {        @Override        public void accept(Context<?> ctx) {            switch (ctx.family()) {                case HSQLDB:                    ctx.visit(sum(timestampDiff(start, end)));                    break;                case POSTGRES:                    ctx.visit(sql("sum(1000 * extract('epoch' from ({0} - {1})))",                                   start, end));                    break;            }        }    };}

I'm using the extract() expression from Evan's answer here.

The above code snippet assumes you have this static import:

import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.*;

More info about CustomField here.

From the lists

select extract ('epoch' from '5 days 5 hours'::interval);