Find all items within a bounding box with PostGIS and Rails Find all items within a bounding box with PostGIS and Rails postgresql postgresql

Find all items within a bounding box with PostGIS and Rails

Using the rgeo gem:


gem 'rgeo'


def self.within_box(sw_lat, sw_lon, ne_lat, ne_lon)  factory = RGeo::Geographic.spherical_factory  sw = factory.point(sw_lon, sw_lat)  ne = factory.point(ne_lon, ne_lat)  window = RGeo::Cartesian::BoundingBox.create_from_points(sw, ne).to_geometry  where("your_point_column && ?", window)end

Note that the argument order for the factory point method is (lon, lat).

You may want to use the activerecord-postgis-adapter gem, which includes rgeo).