Gap Filling OHLCV (Open High Low Close Volume) in TimescaleDB Gap Filling OHLCV (Open High Low Close Volume) in TimescaleDB postgresql postgresql

Gap Filling OHLCV (Open High Low Close Volume) in TimescaleDB

SELECT "tickerId",       "ts",       coalesce("open", "close")  "open",       coalesce("high", "close")  "high",       coalesce("low", "close")   "low",       coalesce("close", "close") "close",       coalesce("volume", 0)      "volume",       coalesce("count", 0)       "count"FROM (     SELECT "tickerId",            time_bucket_gapfill('1 hour', at)   "ts",            first(price, "eId")                 "open",            MAX(price)                          "high",            MIN(price)                          "low",            locf(last(price, "eId"))            "close",            SUM(volume)                         "volume",            COUNT(1)                            "count"     FROM "PublicTrades"     WHERE at >= date_trunc('day', now() - INTERVAL '1 year')       AND at < NOW()     GROUP BY "tickerId", "ts"     ORDER BY "tickerId", "ts" DESC     LIMIT 100 ) AS P

Notice: eId is Exchange Public Trade ID

You need to specify in each column how to perform the gapfilling. My guess is that you probably want to use locf. See: