GeoDjango can't find geos library GeoDjango can't find geos library postgresql postgresql

GeoDjango can't find geos library

Just in case some developers are facing this problem on Ubuntu, I solved it just installing libgeos-lib

sudo apt-get install libgeos-dev

I had the same problem with postgis via MacPorts in combination with Django, although I could execute select postgis_full_version(); without issues. This answer helped me:

The solution for me was to add


to ~/.profile. (Don't forget to source it before trying again)

I found that I'd originally installed geos through pip.

Once I downloaded the new GEOS library from:

Then installed it.

Last, I added to my path (~/.bash_profile):

export PATH=/Library/Frameworks/GEOS.framework/Versions/3/unix/lib/:$PATH

It worked fine.