Get most common value for each value of another column in SQL Get most common value for each value of another column in SQL postgresql postgresql

Get most common value for each value of another column in SQL

It is now even simpler: PostgreSQL 9.4 introduced the mode() function:

select mode() within group (order by food_id)from munchgroup by country

returns (like user2247323's example):

country | mode--------------GB      | 3US      | 1

See documentation here:

PostgreSQL introduced support for window functions in 8.4, the year after this question was asked. It's worth noting that it might be solved today as follows:

SELECT country, food_id  FROM (SELECT country, food_id, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY country ORDER BY freq DESC) AS rn          FROM (  SELECT country, food_id, COUNT('x') AS freq                    FROM country_foods                GROUP BY 1, 2) food_freq) ranked_food_req WHERE rn = 1;

The above will break ties. If you don't want to break ties, you could use DENSE_RANK() instead.

SELECT DISTINCT"F1"."food","F1"."country"FROM "foo" "F1"WHERE"F1"."food" =    (SELECT "food" FROM        (            SELECT "food", COUNT(*) AS "count"            FROM "foo" "F2"             WHERE "F2"."country" = "F1"."country"             GROUP BY "F2"."food"             ORDER BY "count" DESC        ) AS "F5"        LIMIT 1    )

Well, I wrote this in a hurry and didn't check it really well. The sub-select might be pretty slow, but this is shortest and most simple SQL statement that I could think of. I'll probably tell more when I'm less drunk.

PS: Oh well, "foo" is the name of my table, "food" contains the name of the food and "country" the name of the country. Sample output:

   food    |  country   -----------+------------ Bratwurst | Germany Fisch     | Frankreich