How do I create a cron job to run an postgres SQL function? How do I create a cron job to run an postgres SQL function? postgresql postgresql

How do I create a cron job to run an postgres SQL function?

You just need to think of cronjob as running a shell command at a specified time or day.

So your first job is to work out how to run your shell command.

psql --host --port 12345 --dbname nameofdatabase --username postgres < my.sql

You can then just add this to your crontab (I recommend you use crontab -e to avoid breaking things)

# runs your command at 00:00 every day## min hour wday month mday command-to-run    0    0    *     *    * psql --host --port 12345 --dbname nameofdatabase < my.sql

In most cases you can put all of the sql source in a shell 'here document'. The nice thing about here documents is that the shell's ${MY_VAR} are expanded even within single quotes, e.g: