How do I import modules or install extensions in Postgres 8.4? How do I import modules or install extensions in Postgres 8.4? postgresql postgresql

How do I import modules or install extensions in Postgres 8.4?

To install PostgreSQL contrib modules on Ubuntu or Kubuntu (or similar Linux distributions):

  1. Install the contrib package:sudo apt-get install postgresql-contrib
  2. Restart the database:sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.4 restart
  3. Change to the database owner account (e.g., postgres).
  4. Change to the contrib modules' directory: /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/
  5. Use ls to see a list of the following modules:

    adminpack               autoincbtree_gin               btree_gistchkpass                 citextcube                    dblinkdict_int                dict_xsynearthdistance           fuzzystrmatchhstore                  insert_usernameint_aggregate           isnlo                      ltreemoddatetime             pageinspectpg_buffercache          pgcryptopg_freespacemap         pgrowlockspg_stat_statements      pgstattuplepg_trgm                 pgxmlrefint                  segsslinfo                 tablefunctest_parser             timetraveltsearch2                uuid-ossp
  6. Load the SQL files using:psql -U user_name -d database_name -f module_name.sql

For example, if your administrative user was named postgres and your database was named storage and the module you wanted was cube, you would type:

psql -U postgres -d storage -f cube.sql

PostgreSQL 9.1:

After step #1 above, do:

  1. sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart
  2. (same as #3 above)
  3. cd /usr/share/postgresql/9.1/extension (has extensions)
  4. open psql
  5. CREATE EXTENSION "uuid-ossp";

  1. login as postgres user
  2. use create extension to load it

I have a database named 'book' for example,

psql -U postgres bookcreate extension cube

Repeat for each extension required, then \q to logouy