How to add column if not exists on PostgreSQL? How to add column if not exists on PostgreSQL? postgresql postgresql

How to add column if not exists on PostgreSQL?

With Postgres 9.6 this can be done using the option if not exists


Here's a short-and-sweet version using the "DO" statement:

DO $$     BEGIN        BEGIN            ALTER TABLE <table_name> ADD COLUMN <column_name> <column_type>;        EXCEPTION            WHEN duplicate_column THEN RAISE NOTICE 'column <column_name> already exists in <table_name>.';        END;    END;$$

You can't pass these as parameters, you'll need to do variable substitution in the string on the client side, but this is a self contained query that only emits a message if the column already exists, adds if it doesn't and will continue to fail on other errors (like an invalid data type).

I don't recommend doing ANY of these methods if these are random strings coming from external sources. No matter what method you use (client-side or server-side dynamic strings executed as queries), it would be a recipe for disaster as it opens you to SQL injection attacks.

CREATE OR REPLACE function f_add_col(_tbl regclass, _col  text, _type regtype)  RETURNS bool AS$func$BEGIN   IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_attribute              WHERE  attrelid = _tbl              AND    attname = _col              AND    NOT attisdropped) THEN      RETURN FALSE;   ELSE      EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %s ADD COLUMN %I %s', _tbl, _col, _type);      RETURN TRUE;   END IF;END$func$  LANGUAGE plpgsql;


SELECT f_add_col('public.kat', 'pfad1', 'int');

Returns TRUE on success, else FALSE (column already exists).
Raises an exception for invalid table or type name.

Why another version?

  • This could be done with a DO statement, but DO statements cannot return anything. And if it's for repeated use, I would create a function.

  • I use the object identifier types regclass and regtype for _tbl and _type which a) prevents SQL injection and b) checks validity of both immediately (cheapest possible way). The column name _col has still to be sanitized for EXECUTE with quote_ident(). More explanation in this related answer:

  • format() requires Postgres 9.1+. For older versions concatenate manually:

    EXECUTE 'ALTER TABLE ' || _tbl || ' ADD COLUMN ' || quote_ident(_col) || ' ' || _type;
  • You can schema-qualify your table name, but you don't have to.
    You can double-quote the identifiers in the function call to preserve camel-case and reserved words (but you shouldn't use any of this anyway).

  • I query pg_catalog instead of the information_schema. Detailed explanation:

  • Blocks containing an EXCEPTION clause like the currently accepted answer are substantially slower. This is generally simpler and faster. The documentation:

Tip: A block containing an EXCEPTION clause is significantly more expensive to enter and exit than a block without one. Therefore, don't use EXCEPTION without need.