How to aggregate two PostgreSQL columns to an array separated by brackets How to aggregate two PostgreSQL columns to an array separated by brackets postgresql postgresql

How to aggregate two PostgreSQL columns to an array separated by brackets

Create an array from the two columns, the aggregate the array:

select id, array_agg(array[x,y])from the_tablegroup by id;

Note that the default text representation of arrays uses curly braces ( {..}) not square brackets ([..])

In Postgres 9.5 or later array_agg() takes arrays as input to allow the simple syntax provided by @a_horse:

SELECT id, array_agg(ARRAY[x, y]) AS xyFROM   Table1GROUP  BY id;

In older versions, this isn't implemented yet. You can create your own aggregate function (once) to achieve the same:

CREATE AGGREGATE array_agg_mult (anyarray)  (    SFUNC     = array_cat  , STYPE     = anyarray  , INITCOND  = '{}');


SELECT id, array_agg_mult(ARRAY[ARRAY[x,y]]) AS xy  -- note the 2D arrayFROM   Table1GROUP  BY id;


Or you can concatenate a string:

SELECT id, '[[' || string_agg(concat_ws(',', x, y), '],[') || ']]' AS xyFROM   Table1GROUP  BY id;

Produces your desired result exactly. A string, not an array.