How to configure Slick 3.0.0 for Postgres DB (either with Hikari or without) Typesafe Play conf How to configure Slick 3.0.0 for Postgres DB (either with Hikari or without) Typesafe Play conf postgresql postgresql

How to configure Slick 3.0.0 for Postgres DB (either with Hikari or without) Typesafe Play conf

One solution with basic useron application.conf

play.modules.enabled += "modules.DatabaseModule"MyNameIs = {  database = {  driver = org.postgresql.Driver  url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/databasename"  user = "postgreuser"  password = ""  numThreads = 10  connectionTimeout = 5000  validationTimeout = 5000}dispatcher {  fork-join-executor {    parallelism-factor = 2    parallelism-max = 20  }}

on dir app you can create database module like this

import javax.inject.{Provider, Inject, Singleton}import com.typesafe.config.Configimport play.api.inject.ApplicationLifecycleimport play.api.{Configuration, Environment}import slick.jdbc.JdbcBackendimport scala.concurrent.Futureclass DatabaseModule(environment: Environment, configuration: Configuration)       extends AbstractModule {override def configure(): Unit = {  bind(classOf[Config]).toInstance(configuration.underlying)  bind(classOf[slick.jdbc.JdbcBackend.Database]).toProvider(classOf[DatabaseProvider])  bind(classOf[models.UserDAO]).asEagerSingleton()  }}@Singletonclass DatabaseProvider @Inject() (config: Config, lifecycle: ApplicationLifecycle) extends Provider[slick.jdbc.JdbcBackend.Database] {  private val db = slick.jdbc.JdbcBackend.Database.forConfig("MyNameIs.database", config)  lifecycle.addStopHook { () =>    Future.successful(db.close())  }  override def get(): JdbcBackend.DatabaseDef = db}

On app/models: UserDAO

import java.sql.Dateimport javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton}import com.typesafe.config.Configimport slick.driver.PostgresDriver.api._import scala.concurrent.Futureimport scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.globalcase class User(id: Option[Long] = None, name: String, firstname: String,    email: String, password: String, birthday: Option[Date] = None, signDate: Option[Date] = Some(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis)))@Singletonclass UserDAO @Inject()(config: Config, db: Database) {  private val users = TableQuery[Users]  override def delete(ids: Long*): Future[Boolean] = {    Future.sequence(for (id <- ids) yield { === id).delete).map(_ == 1)    }).map {      _.find(i => i == false) == None    }  }  def insert(user: User): Future[Unit] = += user).map{()}  override def update(obj: User): Future[Boolean] = ???  override def create(obj: User): Future[Boolean] = += obj).map(_ == 1)  override def all: Future[Seq[User]] =  private class Users(tag: slick.lifted.Tag) extends Table[User](tag, "user") {    type S = String    type D = Date    type L = Long    // attribute name in table database    def id = column[L](ID, O.AutoInc, O.PrimaryKey)    def name = column[S](NAME)    def password = column[S](PASSWORD)    def firstname = column[S](FIRSTNAME)    def email = column[S](EMAIL)    def birthday = column[D](BIRTHDAY)    def signDate = column[D](SIGN_DATE)    override def * = (id.?, name, firstname, email, password, birthday.?, signDate.?) <> ((User.apply _)  .tupled, User.unapply _)  }}

On controllers Application.scala

@Singletonclass Application @Inject()(userdao: UserDAO) extends Controller { code } 

and on route file:

# Home pageGET     /                           @controllers.Application.index

Working example for me:


database {  dataSourceClass = org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource  properties = {    databaseName = "some_db"    user = "local"    password = "local"  }  numThreads = 10}


libraryDependencies ++= Seq(  "com.typesafe.slick" %% "slick" % "3.0.0",  "com.zaxxer" % "HikariCP" % "2.4.1",  "org.postgresql" % "postgresql" % "9.4-1201-jdbc41",  // ...)

And then I just call


Using Java 7, Scala 2.11.6 and sbt 0.13.6.

My config with PGSimpleDataSource and specified connection pool size:

myDb = {  connectionPool = "HikariCP"  dataSourceClass = org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource  properties = {    url = "jdbc:postgresql://"${dbHostName}":"${dbPortNumber}"/"${dbName}    user = "postgres"    password = "1"  }  numThreads = 10  minConnections = 10  maxConnections = 50  queueSize = 1000}