How to connect from docker-compose to Host PostgreSQL? How to connect from docker-compose to Host PostgreSQL? postgresql postgresql

How to connect from docker-compose to Host PostgreSQL?

Updated Apri, 2018

According to the document, from version 18.03 onwards, using host.docker.internal as DNS works for me, without specifying neither --net=host or network_mode: "host"

This would have worked if you were on linux OS. But this won't work on Mac or Windows. The thing is that when you use --net=host, you still are not on host network. That is the limitation of how docker for windows work

Instead of localhost you need to use as the host. This is a special DNS name which is available on Docker for Windows when you want to refer to the host localhost

Cautionary note: using the --net=host, or network_mode: "host" will prevent your container from registering with Eureka and will break any kind of API gateway you've got unless they all run on the same network.