How to use IN clause with PreparedStatement in PostgreSQL How to use IN clause with PreparedStatement in PostgreSQL postgresql postgresql

How to use IN clause with PreparedStatement in PostgreSQL

There are several ways to do this. The clean way is to pass an array to the prepared statement. An alternative to Nick's answer is to pass a proper java.sql.Array value:

PreparedStatement pstmt = connection.prepareStatement(    "DELETE FROM employee WHERE ename = ANY (?)");String[] idList = new String[] {"abc", "bcd", "efg"};Array ids = connection.createArray("varchar", idList);pstmt.setArray(1, ids);

Another option is to use Postgres' string functions to convert the comma separated list to an array. That is probably the easiest way:

PreparedStatement pstmt = connection.prepareStatement(     "DELETE FROM employee WHERE ename = ANY (string_to_array(?, ','))");psmt.setString(1, "abc,bcd,efg");

Note that you must not have spaces between the comma and the value! Those spaces will be part of the value that is stored in the array after string_to_array() has done it's job so comparison would e.g. be ename = ' bcd' which would fail if there is no leading space in the column ename(which is highly likely)

Like this:

DELETE FROM employee WHERE ename = ANY(?)

The parameter should be formatted as an array literal, e.g. "{abc,bcd,efg}".

You might want to try the below:

DELETE FROM employee  WHERE ename IN ('abc', 'bcd', 'efg')