How to use variable settings in trigger functions? How to use variable settings in trigger functions? postgresql postgresql

How to use variable settings in trigger functions?

It is not clear why you are trying to concat NULL to user_id but it is obviously the cause of the problem. Get rid of it:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION add_transition1() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$    DECLARE        user_id integer;    BEGIN        user_id := current_setting('myvars.user_id')::integer;        INSERT INTO transitions1 (user_id, house_id) VALUES (user_id,;        RETURN NULL;    END;$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Note that


always gives NULL.

Handle all possible cases for the customized option properly:

  1. option not set yet

    All references to it raise an exception, including current_setting() unless called with the second parameter missing_ok. The manual:

    If there is no setting named setting_name, current_setting throws an error unless missing_ok is supplied and is true.

  2. option set to a valid integer literal

  3. option set to an invalid integer literal

  4. option reset (which burns down to a special case of 3.)

    For instance, if you set a customized option with SET LOCAL or set_config('myvars.user_id3', '55', true), the option value is reset at the end of the transaction. It still exists, can be referenced, but it returns an empty string now ('') - which cannot be cast to integer.

Obvious mistakes in your demo aside, you need to prepare for all 4 cases. So:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION add_transition1()  RETURNS trigger AS$func$DECLARE   _user_id text := current_setting('myvars.user_id', true);  -- see 1.BEGIN   IF _user_id ~ '^\d+$' THEN  -- one or more digits?      INSERT INTO transitions1 (user_id, house_id)      VALUES (_user_id::int,;  -- valid int, cast is safe   ELSE      INSERT INTO transitions1 (user_id, house_id)      VALUES (NULL,;           -- use NULL instead      RAISE WARNING 'Invalid user_id % for house_id % was reset to NULL!'                  , quote_literal(_user_id),;  -- optional   END IF;   RETURN NULL;  -- OK for AFTER triggerEND$func$  LANGUAGE plpgsql;

db<>fiddle here


  • Avoid variable names that match column names. Very error prone. One popular naming convention is to prepend variable names with an underscore: _user_id.

  • Assign at declaration time to save one assignment. Note the data type text. We'll cast later, after sorting out invalid input.

  • Avoid raising / trapping an exception if possible. The manual:

    A block containing an EXCEPTION clause is significantly more expensive to enter and exit than a block without one. Therefore, don't use EXCEPTION without need.

  • Test for valid integer strings. This simple regular expression allows only digits (no leading sign, no white space): _user_id ~ '^\d+$'. I reset to NULL for any invalid input. Adapt to your needs.

  • I added an optional WARNING for your debugging convenience.

  • Cases 3. and 4. only arise because customized options are string literals (type text), valid data types cannot be enforced automatically.


All that aside, there may be more elegant solutions for what you are trying to do without customized options, depending on your exact requirements. Maybe this:

You can catch the exception when the value doesn't exist - here's the changes I made to get this to work:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION add_transition1() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$    DECLARE        user_id integer;    BEGIN        BEGIN            user_id := current_setting('myvars.user_id')::integer;        EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN            user_id := 0;        END;        INSERT INTO transitions1 (user_id, house_id) VALUES (user_id,;        RETURN NULL;    END;$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION insert_house() RETURNS void as $$ DECLARE    user_id integer; BEGIN    PERFORM set_config('myvars.user_id', '55', false);   INSERT INTO houses (name) VALUES ('HOUSE PARTY'); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;