How to use volume in docker compose for postgres? How to use volume in docker compose for postgres? postgresql postgresql

How to use volume in docker compose for postgres?

About your docker-compose file

  1. Firstly I thought it's because you don't use 'links' option to link your postgres container to web container - it's good practice if you don't expand ports - but you expand postgres port.

  2. If you want use inheritance from the image you postedInstead of using this line:




and create path docker/postgres and there place Dockerfile with inharitance from container you want.

  1. I always use sharing volumes in docker-compose.yml like this:


where . is my project path where I place my code files.

Image I created to test this case

I don't have your all docker files structure to reproduce this error and fix it, so I created docker-compose which should match your needs or help to fix your issue:

version: '2'services:  web:    build: docker/web    ports:      - "8080:8080"    links:      - dbpostgres     volumes:      - .:/var/www/html   # I will share my code so I map this path  dbpostgres:    image: postgres    volumes:      - /private/var/lib/postgresql:/var/lib/postgresql    ports:      - "5432:5432"    environment:      POSTGRES_USER: pguser      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: pguser      POSTGRES_DB: pgdb


  1. I will recommend use official postgres image

  2. I left comments next to the lines.

How I made connection:

host=dbpostgres port=5432 dbname=pgdb user=pguser password=pguser

Because my web container know host dbpostgres(image name and domain name) now - I link them using links.

If you need database from existing container

If you need database from your existing container just use option docker cp to copy database localy:

docker cp posgres_test:/var/lib/postgresql /private/var/lib/postgresql

where /private/var/lib/postgresql is path on your localhost.You need also change credentials to db in docker-compose to your old credentials.You have to do it before run docker-compose because if db doesn't exist, will be crated.

Any questions, let me know.

If the volume is external and already existing before the use of docker-compose you should declare it external, or else docker compose will create a new volume with the project name as prefix.

volumes:  test_volume:   external: true

Docs for external using compose v3 (mostly similar to v2):

I think it sould be something like this for you.

docker run -itd -p 5432:5432 --name postgres_test -v /path/in/your/host :/path/in/your/container postgres_test psql -h -p 5432 -U pguser -W pgdb

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