How to write function for optional parameters in postgresql? How to write function for optional parameters in postgresql? postgresql postgresql

How to write function for optional parameters in postgresql?

You can define optional parameters by supplying a default value.

create function foo(p_one integer default null,                     p_two integer default 42,                     p_three varchar default 'foo')  returns textas$$begin    return format('p_one=%s, p_two=%s, p_three=%s', p_one, p_two, p_three);end;$$language plpgsql;

You can "leave out" parameters from the end, so foo(), foo(1) or foo(1,2) are valid. If you want to only supply a parameter that is not the first you have to use the syntax that specifies the parameter names.

select foo(); 

returns: p_one=, p_two=42, p_three=foo

select foo(1); 

returns: p_one=1, p_two=42, p_three=foo

select foo(p_three => 'bar')

returns: p_one=, p_two=42, p_three=bar

Apart of the VARIADIC option pointed by @a_horse_with_no_name, which is only a syntax sugar for passing an array with any number of elements of the same type, you can't define a function with optional parameters because, in postgres, functions are identified not only by its name but also by its arguments and the types of them.

That is: create function foo (int) [...] and create function foo (varchar) [...] will create different functions.

Which is called when you execute, for example, select foo(bar) depends on bar data type itself. That is: if it is an integer, you will call the first one and if it is varchar, then second one will be called.

More than that: if you execute, for example, select foo(now()), then a function not exists exception will be triggered.

So, as I said, you can't implement functions with variable arguments, but you can implement multiple functions with the same name and distinct argument (an/or type) sets returning the same data type.

If you (obviously) doesn't want to implement the function twice, the only thing you need to do is to implement a "master" function with all possible parameters and the others (which have fewer parameters) only calling the "master" one with default values for the non received parameters.

As an option, I got a function i tested with Navicat App:CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "public"."for_loop_through_query"(sponsor_name varchar default 'Save the Children')It generates me this. (Note: Please look at the parameter difference)CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "public"."for_loop_through_query"("sponsor_name" varchar='Save the Children'::character varying)

 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "public"."for_loop_through_query"("sponsor_name" varchar='Save the Children'::character varying)  RETURNS "pg_catalog"."void" AS $BODY$DECLARE    rec RECORD;BEGIN    FOR rec IN SELECT      companies."name" AS org_name,      "sponsors"."name" AS sponsor_name      FROM      "donor_companies"      JOIN "sponsors"      ON "donor_companies"."donor_id" = "sponsors"."id"       JOIN companies      ON "donor_companies"."organization_id" = companies."id"      WHERE      "public"."sponsors"."name" = sponsor_name    LOOP    RAISE NOTICE '%', rec.org_name;  END LOOP;END;$BODY$  LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE  COST 100;