Insert line break in postgresql when updating text field Insert line break in postgresql when updating text field postgresql postgresql

Insert line break in postgresql when updating text field

You want chr(10) instead of char(10).

Be careful with this, because that might be the wrong newline. The "right" newline depends on the client that consumes it. Macs, Windows, and Linux all use different newlines. A browser will expect <br />.

It might be safest to write your update like this for PostgreSQL 9.1+. But read the docs linked below.

UPDATE public.table SET long_text = E'First Line\nSecond line.' WHERE id = 19;

The default value of 'standard_conforming_strings' is 'on' in 9.1+.

show standard_conforming_strings;

Use a literal newline (if standard_conforming_strings = on, i.e. you're on a recent PostgreSQL):

UPDATE public.table SET long_text = 'First LineSecond line.' WHERE id = 19;

or you can use an escape:

UPDATE public.table SET long_text = E'First Line\nSecond line.'WHERE id = 19;

In my version of postgres, \n didnt work for line break and i used \r\n instead, like this:

UPDATE public.table SET long_text = E'First Liner\r\nSecond line.'WHERE id = 19;