Installing phpPgAdmin 5.1 on Ubuntu 16.04 with PostgreSQL 10 not supported Installing phpPgAdmin 5.1 on Ubuntu 16.04 with PostgreSQL 10 not supported postgresql postgresql

Installing phpPgAdmin 5.1 on Ubuntu 16.04 with PostgreSQL 10 not supported

Actually you still can modify this file manually:


// Detect version and choose appropriate database driverswitch (substr($version,0,3)) {    case '9.5': return 'Postgres'; break;    case '9.4': return 'Postgres94'; break;    case '9.3': return 'Postgres93'; break;    case '9.2': return 'Postgres92'; break;    case '9.1': return 'Postgres91'; break;    case '9.0': return 'Postgres90'; break;    case '8.4': return 'Postgres84'; break;    case '8.3': return 'Postgres83'; break;    case '8.2': return 'Postgres82'; break;    case '8.1': return 'Postgres81'; break;    case '8.0':    case '7.5': return 'Postgres80'; break;    case '7.4': return 'Postgres74'; break;}switch (substr($version,0,4)) {    case '10.1': return 'Postgres'; break;}

Not fully tested, but all the main functions work fine.

Or create your own fork of and create/fix a couple of files for implementing full support.

EDIT 3: phpPgAdmin is in active development again! If you download the latest version, it supports PostgreSQL up to v11.x

phpPgAdmin hasn't been actively developed for years. It's still a great interface for PostgreSQL, but unfortunately they only officially support up to 9.2. I've noticed that the latest version still works up to 9.6 though, at least it has in a production environment for the past 6 months, and before that worked with whatever I had (9.4 / 9.5?) for years.

I would suggest installing 9.6 instead, and going from there.

EDIT: If you're dead keen on using v10, then you can still use pgAdmin 4 as the interface, though this is not web based.

Reference: Official phpPgAdmin Website

EDIT2: See the answer by DToch for a good workaround

To be clearer, the full path is /usr/share/phppgadmin/classes/database/Connection.php

Also you can simply add

default: return 'Postgres'; break; 

at the end of the switch statement.

Also needed is the username for logging in should be "postgres". Not well documented.