Load Postgres dump after docker-compose up Load Postgres dump after docker-compose up postgresql postgresql

Load Postgres dump after docker-compose up

Reading https://hub.docker.com/_/postgres/, the section 'Extend this image' explains that any .sql in /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d will be executed after build.

I just needed to change my Dockerfile.db to:

FROM postgresADD ./devops/db/dummy_dump.sql /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d

And it works!

sudo docker exec postgres psql -U postgres my_db_name < dump.sql

You can use pg_restore inside the container:

cat ${BACKUP_SQL_File} | docker exec -i ${CONTAINER_NAME} pg_restore \    --verbose \    --clean \    --no-acl \    --no-owner \    -U ${USER} \    -d ${DATABASE}