Match a phrase ending in a prefix with full text search Match a phrase ending in a prefix with full text search postgresql postgresql

Match a phrase ending in a prefix with full text search

SELECT titleFROM tableWHERE title_tsv @@ to_tsquery('zend') andtitle_tsv @@ to_tsquery('fram:*')  

is equivalent to:

SELECT titleFROM tableWHERE title_tsv @@ to_tsquery('zend & fram:*')

but of course that finds "Zend has no framework" as well.

You could of course express a regular expression match against title after the tsquery match, but you would have to use explain analyze to make sure that was being executed after the tsquery instead of before.

Not a pretty solution, but it should do the job:

psql=# SELECT regexp_replace(cast(plainto_tsquery('Zend Fram') as text), E'(\'\\w+\')', E'\\1:*', 'g') ;   regexp_replace    --------------------- 'zend':* & 'fram':*(1 row)

It can be used like:

psql=# SELECT title FROM table WHERE title_tsv(title) @@ to_tsquery(regexp_replace(cast(plainto_tsquery('Zend Fram') as text), E'(\'\\w+\')', E'\\1:*', 'g'));

How this works:

  1. casts the plain tsquery to a string: cast(plainto_tsquery('Zend Fram') as text)
  2. uses regex to append the :* prefix matcher to each search term: regexp_replace(..., E'(\'\\w+\')', E'\\1:*', 'g')
  3. converts it back to a non-plain tsquery. to_tsquery(...)
  4. and uses it in the search expression SELECT title FROM table WHERE title_tsv(title) @@ ...

Postgres 9.6 introduces phrase search capabilities for full text search. So this works now:

SELECT titleFROM  tblWHERE title_tsv @@ to_tsquery('zend <-> fram:*');

<-> being the FOLLOWED BY operator.

It finds 'foo Zend framework bar' or 'Zend frames', but not 'foo Zend has no framework bar'.

Quoting the release notes for Postgres 9.6:

A phrase-search query can be specified in tsquery input using the newoperators <-> and <N>. The former means that the lexemes before andafter it must appear adjacent to each other in that order. The lattermeans they must be exactly N lexemes apart.

For best performance support the query with a GIN index:

CREATE INDEX tbl_title_tsv_idx ON tbl USING GIN (title_tsv);

Or don't store title_tsv in the table at all (bloating it and complicating writes). You can use an expression index instead:

CREATE INDEX tbl_title_tsv_idx ON tbl USING GIN (to_tsvector('english', title));

You need to specify the text search configuration (often language-specific) to make the expression immutable. And adapt the query accordingly:

...WHERE to_tsvector('english', title) @@ to_tsquery('english', 'zend <-> fram:*');