No unique or exclusion constraint matching the ON CONFLICT No unique or exclusion constraint matching the ON CONFLICT postgresql postgresql

No unique or exclusion constraint matching the ON CONFLICT

Per the docs,

All table_name unique indexes that, without regard to order, contain exactly the conflict_target-specified columns/expressions are inferred (chosen) as arbiter indexes. If an index_predicate is specified, it must, as a further requirement for inference, satisfy arbiter indexes.

The docs go on to say,

[index_predicate are u]sed to allow inference of partial unique indexes

In an understated way, the docs are saying that when using a partial index andupserting with ON CONFLICT, the index_predicate must be specified. It is notinferred for you. I learned thishere, and the following example demonstrates this.

CREATE TABLE test.accounts (    id int PRIMARY KEY GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY,    type text,    person_id int);CREATE UNIQUE INDEX accounts_note_idx on accounts (type, person_id) WHERE ((type)::text = 'PersonAccount'::text);INSERT INTO  test.accounts (type, person_id) VALUES ('PersonAccount', 10);

so that we have:

unutbu=# select * from test.accounts;+----+---------------+-----------+| id |     type      | person_id |+----+---------------+-----------+|  1 | PersonAccount |        10 |+----+---------------+-----------+(1 row)

Without index_predicate we get an error:

INSERT INTO  test.accounts (type, person_id) VALUES ('PersonAccount', 10) ON CONFLICT (type, person_id) DO NOTHING;-- ERROR:  there is no unique or exclusion constraint matching the ON CONFLICT specification

But if instead you include the index_predicate, WHERE ((type)::text = 'PersonAccount'::text):

INSERT INTO  test.accounts (type, person_id) VALUES ('PersonAccount', 10)ON CONFLICT (type, person_id)WHERE ((type)::text = 'PersonAccount'::text) DO NOTHING;

then there is no error and DO NOTHING is honored.

A possible simple solution of this error

First of all let's see the cause of error with a simple example. Here is the table mapping products to categories.

create table if not exists product_categories (    product_id uuid references products(product_id) not null,    category_id uuid references categories(category_id) not null,    whitelist boolean default false);

If we use this query:

INSERT INTO product_categories (product_id, category_id, whitelist)VALUES ('123...', '456...', TRUE)ON CONFLICT (product_id, category_id)DO UPDATE SET whitelist=EXCLUDED.whitelist;

This will give you error No unique or exclusion constraint matching the ON CONFLICT because there is no unique constraint on product_id and category_id. There could be multiple rows having the same combination of product and category id.


Use unique constraint on both product_id and category_id like this:

create table if not exists product_categories (    product_id uuid references products(product_id) not null,    category_id uuid references categories(category_id) not null,    whitelist boolean default false,    primary key(product_id, category_id) -- This will solve the problem);

Now you can use ON CONFLICT (product_id, category_id) for both columns without any error.

The easy way to fix it is by setting the conflicting column as UNIQUE