Postgis / Geodjango: Cannot determine PostGIS version for database Postgis / Geodjango: Cannot determine PostGIS version for database postgresql postgresql

Postgis / Geodjango: Cannot determine PostGIS version for database

Just add in your your right version of postgis :


As a first debugging step: try to check the postgis template version manually, e.g. on the command-line connect to your database with psql test, and query with select postgis_lib_version();. This function should be defined in template_postgis and return some number. Example output:

$ psql testpsql (9.0.4)Type "help" for help.test=# select postgis_lib_version(); postgis_lib_version--------------------- 1.5.2(1 row)

If an error occurs, you know the error is in the database.

The solution for me was to run the following in the postgres terminal:

psql database_namedatabase_name=# CREATE EXTENSION postgis;

If you get ERROR: relation "spatial_ref_sys" already exists, run the following before CREATE EXTENSION postgis:

 drop table spatial_ref_sys; drop table geometry_columns;