Postgres 10.3: SELECT queries hang for hours Postgres 10.3: SELECT queries hang for hours postgresql postgresql

Postgres 10.3: SELECT queries hang for hours

generic troubleshooting suggestions:

  • start gathering runtime statistics of the server - there's wide choice of tools -, + influx db + telegraf, many more. regardless of the solution you should keep historical statistics of:

    • amount of disk operations done per second
    • latency of the disk storage [ regardless if it's spinning rust, ssd, nvme or network-attached ]
    • server CPU usage, load, memory usage
  • get also statistics about postgresql - might be helpful here

based on those stats - see if there's any build-up before problematic query happens.

occasional slow down might be caused by:

  • uneven performance of the storage subsystem [ ssd at the end of its life, patrol-read on the RAID array, hdd reallocating data due to bad sectors ]
  • incorrect index statistics leading to suboptimal query plan
  • overload of the system by incoming queries
  • overload of the system by other workloads running on the same hardware, noisy neighbors if you're running in a virtualized environment