Postgres 12 case-insensitive compare Postgres 12 case-insensitive compare postgresql postgresql

Postgres 12 case-insensitive compare

You got it right. ICU collations cannot be used as database default collation (yet), but have to be used in column definitions.

This limitation is annoying and not in the nature of things. It will probably be lifted in some future version.

You can use a DO statement to change the collation of all string columns:

DO$$DECLARE   v_table  regclass;   v_column name;   v_type   oid;   v_typmod integer;BEGIN   FOR v_table, v_column, v_type, v_typmod IN      SELECT a.attrelid::regclass,             a.attname,             a.atttypid,             a.atttypmod      FROM pg_attribute AS a         JOIN pg_class AS c ON a.attrelid = c.oid      WHERE a.atttypid IN (25, 1042, 1043)        AND c.relnamespace::regnamespace::name            NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema', 'pg_toast')   LOOP      EXECUTE         format('ALTER TABLE %s ALTER %I SET DATA TYPE %s COLLATE ci',                v_table,                v_column,                format_type(v_type, v_typmod)         );   END LOOP;END;$$;