Postgres Osm2pgsql Error: role does not exist Postgres Osm2pgsql Error: role does not exist postgresql postgresql

Postgres Osm2pgsql Error: role does not exist

You didn't specify -U|--username switch, so osm2pgsql gets current username from terminal (unless you set PGUSER environment variable). Error message looks very clear, telling that role named myUsername does not exist in your database cluser. Note that:

CREATE ROLE myUsername LOGIN;    -- creating role myusernameCREATE ROLE "myUsername" LOGIN;  -- creating role myUsername

will produce two different roles:

SELECT rolname FROM pg_roles;  rolname   ------------ postgres myUsername myusername(3 rows)

I know this is an old question but things have changed in OSM and this answer appears to be at the top of a Google search

Use this:

/usr/bin/ the-database-here your-username-here

for example

/usr/bin/ gis barrythefish