Postgres select only if table exists Postgres select only if table exists postgresql postgresql

Postgres select only if table exists

Do you run it in some kind of a function? If not, this whole question makes no sense... If yes - simply try to catch the error, as described here:

You would need to trap 42P01 undefined_table SQLSTATE.

So in your function you could do:

BEGIN  SELECT * FROM sometableEXCEPTION   WHEN undefined_table THEN    -- Do something  WHEN others THEN    -- Do something elseEND;

As an addtional note (not related to Postgresql), when you start the Odoo server, you should ensure that the -u flag is set to ensure that your odoo customization is applied by the Odoo ORM. This ensure that any modifications you have made such as table creation/modification is applied to your Postgresql DB.

So, from the CLI:

openerp-server -u module_name


openerp-server -u all

to update all modules