PostgreSQL Autoincrement PostgreSQL Autoincrement postgresql postgresql

PostgreSQL Autoincrement

Yes, SERIAL is the equivalent function.

CREATE TABLE foo (    id SERIAL,    bar varchar);INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES ('blah');INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES ('blah');SELECT * FROM foo;+----------+| 1 | blah |+----------+| 2 | blah |+----------+

SERIAL is just a create table time macro around sequences. You can not alter SERIAL onto an existing column.

You can use any other integer data type, such as smallint.

Example :

CREATE SEQUENCE user_id_seq;CREATE TABLE user (    user_id smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('user_id_seq'));ALTER SEQUENCE user_id_seq OWNED BY user.user_id;

Better to use your own data type, rather than user serial data type.

If you want to add sequence to id in the table which already exist you can use:

CREATE SEQUENCE user_id_seq;ALTER TABLE user ALTER user_id SET DEFAULT NEXTVAL('user_id_seq');