Postgresql enforce unique two-way combination of columns Postgresql enforce unique two-way combination of columns postgresql postgresql

Postgresql enforce unique two-way combination of columns

A variation on Neil's solution which doesn't need an extension is:

create table friendz (  from_id int,  to_id int);create unique index ifriendz on friendz(greatest(from_id,to_id), least(from_id,to_id));

Neil's solution lets you use an arbitrary number of columns though.

We're both relying on using expressions to build the index which is documented

Do you consider the intarray extension to be magic?

You'd need to use int keys for the users instead of text though...

Here's a possible solution:

create extension intarray;create table friendz (  from_id int,  to_id int);create unique index on friendz ( sort( array[from_id, to_id ] ) );insert into friendz values (1,2); -- goodinsert into friendz values (2,1); -- bad!15/c84b7/1