PostgreSQL select for arrays of composite elements PostgreSQL select for arrays of composite elements postgresql postgresql

PostgreSQL select for arrays of composite elements

Just the usual array access syntax followed by the usual composite type access syntax. So a bit of setup for demonstration purposes:

=> insert into footable (x, y) values(1, ARRAY[(1.0,2.0)::footype]);=> select * from footable; x |     y     ---+----------- 1 | {"(1,2)"}(1 row)

And then:

=> select y[1].a, y[1].b from footable where x = 1; a | b ---+--- 1 | 2(1 row)

You can also access the composite type inside a WHERE clause:

=> select * from footable where y[1].b < 3; x |         y         ---+------------------- 1 | {"(1,2)"}(1 row)

First of all, there is one mistake, the word 'as' is wrong in the create table query. You should rather write this:

create table footable (    x integer,      y footype []);

Insert data into the table:

insert into footable(x, y) values(10, ARRAY[ ROW(1.0,2.0), ROW(3,4)]::footype[] );# select * from footable; x  |         y         ----+------------------- 10 | {"(1,2)","(3,4)"}(1 row)

Get the data by the fields:

# select x, y[1], y[1].a, y[1].b from footable; x  |   y   | a | b ----+-------+---+--- 10 | (1,2) | 1 | 2(1 row)

I have corrected the solution that didn't work because it had a mistake in the generate_subscripts() function. I have changed the column in this function because it must be an array type column (y), not an atomic one (x):

=> select * from (select x, y, generate_subscripts(y,1) as s from footable) as coord where y[s].a = 2.5;