Postgresql Sequence vs Serial Postgresql Sequence vs Serial postgresql postgresql

Postgresql Sequence vs Serial

Check out a nice answer about Sequence vs. Serial.

Sequence will just create sequence of unique numbers. It's not a datatype. It is a sequence. For example:

create sequence testing1;select nextval('testing1');  -- 1select nextval('testing1');  -- 2

You can use the same sequence in multiple places like this:

create sequence testing1;create table table1(id int not null default nextval('testing1'), firstname varchar(20));create table table2(id int not null default nextval('testing1'), firstname varchar(20));insert into table1 (firstname) values ('tom'), ('henry');insert into table2 (firstname) values ('tom'), ('henry');select * from table1;| id | firstname ||----|-----------||  1 |       tom ||  2 |     henry |select * from table2;| id | firstname ||----|-----------||  3 |       tom ||  4 |     henry |

Serial is a pseudo datatype. It will create a sequence object. Let's take a look at a straight-forward table (similar to the one you will see in the link).

create table test(field1 serial);

This will cause a sequence to be created along with the table. The sequence name's nomenclature is <tablename>_<fieldname>_seq. The above one is the equivalent of:

create sequence test_field1_seq;create table test(field1 int not null default nextval('test_field1_seq'));

Also see:

You can reuse the sequence that is auto-created by serial datatype, or you may choose to just use one serial/sequence per table.

create table table3(id serial, firstname varchar(20));create table table4(id int not null default nextval('table3_id_seq'), firstname varchar(20));

(The risk here is that if table3 is dropped and we continue using table3's sequence, we will get an error)

create table table5(id serial, firstname varchar(20));    insert into table3 (firstname) values ('tom'), ('henry');insert into table4 (firstname) values ('tom'), ('henry');insert into table5 (firstname) values ('tom'), ('henry');select * from table3;| id | firstname ||----|-----------||  1 |       tom ||  2 |     henry |        select * from table4; -- this uses sequence created in table3| id | firstname ||----|-----------||  3 |       tom ||  4 |     henry |        select * from table5;| id | firstname ||----|-----------||  1 |       tom ||  2 |     henry |    

Feel free to try out an example:!15/074ac/1

2021 answer using identity

I was wondering when it is better to choose sequence, and when it is better to use serial.

Not an answer to the whole question (only the part quoted above), still I guess it could help further readers. You should not use sequence nor serial, you should rather prefer identity columns:

create table apps (    id integer primary key generated always as identity);

See this detailed answer: (and also