`psql` command to view all existing tablespaces? `psql` command to view all existing tablespaces? postgresql postgresql

`psql` command to view all existing tablespaces?

As documented in the manual, the command to list tablespaces is \db

If you are looking for a command, just enter \? in the psql command line and it will show you all available commands including a short description.

Here is the psql command that you can use:

postgres=# \db+                                      List of tablespaces        Name    |  Owner   | Location | Access privileges | Options |  Size  | Description     ------------+----------+----------+-------------------+---------+--------+-------------     pg_default | postgres |          |                   |         | 448 MB |      pg_global  | postgres |          |                   |         | 631 kB |     (2 rows)

PSQL meta-command



SELECT * FROM pg_tablespace;