Psycopg2 reporting pg_hba.conf error Psycopg2 reporting pg_hba.conf error postgresql postgresql

Psycopg2 reporting pg_hba.conf error

Typical explanations include:

  • You are connecting to the wrong server.
    Is the DB server running on the same host as Python does?

  • You got the wrong port.
    Check the server log if you see a connection attempt. You have to log connections for that, of course. See the config parameter log_connections.

  • You did not reload (SIGHUP) the server after changing pg_hba.conf - or reloaded the wrong cluster (if you have multiple DB clusters).
    Use pg_ctl or pg_ctlcluser on Debian and derivatives for that.

I recently got into this same issue and I found the solution for this problem.


  1. I have an application server (with these packages installed python, django, psycopg2 and postgres client 9.6.1 (postgresql-9.6.1.tar.gz)), for instance ip address private address).
  2. And AWS postgres RDS server "aws_rds_host_name" or any database IP address.


django.db.utils.OperationalError: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "your_user", database "your_db", SSL off


While installing the postgres client 9.6.1 source package in application server, we have to pass an argument "--with-openssl". I suggest to remove the existing the postgres client and install with below steps.

  1. Download the postgres client source package 9.6.1 (postgresql-9.6.1.tar.gz)
  2. Untar the package postgresql-9.6.1.tar.gz.
  3. ./configure --prefix="your_preferred_postgres_path_if_needed" --with-openssl (this '--with-openssl' argument is important to get rid of that error)
  4. make
  5. make install
  6. After successful installation, that error didn't occur when we ran the django project with psycopg2.

I hope this solution helps someone.