Python/postgres/psycopg2: getting ID of row just inserted Python/postgres/psycopg2: getting ID of row just inserted postgresql postgresql

Python/postgres/psycopg2: getting ID of row just inserted

cursor.execute("INSERT INTO .... RETURNING id")id_of_new_row = cursor.fetchone()[0]

And please do not build SQL strings containing values manually. You can (and should!) pass values separately, making it unnecessary to escape and SQL injection impossible:

sql_string = "INSERT INTO domes_hundred (name,name_slug,status) VALUES (%s,%s,%s) RETURNING id;"cursor.execute(sql_string, (hundred_name, hundred_slug, status))hundred = cursor.fetchone()[0]

See the psycopg docs for more details:

I ended up here because I had a similar problem, but we're using Postgres-XC, which doesn't yet support the RETURNING ID clause. In that case you can use:

cursor.execute('INSERT INTO ........')cursor.execute('SELECT LASTVAL()')lastid = cursor.fetchone()['lastval']

Just in case it was useful for anyone!