Query PostgreSQL with Npgsql and Entity Framework using unaccent Query PostgreSQL with Npgsql and Entity Framework using unaccent postgresql postgresql

Query PostgreSQL with Npgsql and Entity Framework using unaccent

If you use the Codefirst approach, you should try to use EntityFramework.CodeFirstStoreFunctions.

  1. First add EntityFramework.CodeFirstStoreFunctions to your project
  2. Add a custom convention with unaccent to DbModelBuilder
  3. Use it in a query.

Example of database context:

public class DatabaseContext : DbContext{    public DatabaseContext () : base("Context")    {        Database.SetInitializer<DatabaseContext>(null);    }    public DbSet<User> Users { get; set; }    protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)    {        modelBuilder.HasDefaultSchema("public");        modelBuilder.Conventions.Remove<PluralizingTableNameConvention>();        /** Adding unaccent **/                   modelBuilder.Conventions.Add(new CodeFirstStoreFunctions.FunctionsConvention<DatabaseContext>("public"));    }    [DbFunction("CodeFirstDatabaseSchema", "unaccent")]    public string Unaccent(string value)    {        // no need to provide an implementation        throw new NotSupportedException();    }}

Example of usage:

var users = ctx.Users               .Where(elem => ctx.Unaccent(elem.FirstName) == ctx.Unaccent("João"))               .ToList();

Important notice:
This solution works with EntityFramework6.Npgsql (which uses Npgsql 3.*).
It doesn't work with Npgsql.EntityFramework (which uses Npgsql 2.*)