Rails and Postgres Hstore: Can you add an index in a migration? Rails and Postgres Hstore: Can you add an index in a migration? postgresql postgresql

Rails and Postgres Hstore: Can you add an index in a migration?

In Rails 4, you can now do something like this in a migration:

    add_index :products, :data, using: :gin

Yes! You can make another migration and use the 'execute' method... like so:

class IndexProductsGinData < ActiveRecord::Migration  def up    execute "CREATE INDEX products_gin_data ON products USING GIN(data)"  end  def down    execute "DROP INDEX products_gin_data"  endend

UPDATE: You might also want to specify this line in config/application.rb:

config.active_record.schema_format = :sql

You can read about it here: http://apidock.com/rails/ActiveRecord/Base/schema_format/class