SELECT DISTINCT is slower than expected on my table in PostgreSQL SELECT DISTINCT is slower than expected on my table in PostgreSQL postgresql postgresql

SELECT DISTINCT is slower than expected on my table in PostgreSQL

While there is no index skip scan in Postgres yet, emulate it:

WITH RECURSIVE cte AS (   (   -- parentheses required   SELECT product_id   FROM   tickers   ORDER  BY 1   LIMIT  1   )   UNION ALL   SELECT l.*   FROM   cte c   CROSS  JOIN LATERAL (      SELECT product_id      FROM   tickers t      WHERE  t.product_id > c.product_id  -- lateral reference      ORDER  BY 1      LIMIT  1      ) l   )TABLE  cte;

With an index on (product_id) and only 40 unique product IDs in the table this should be Fast. With capital F.
The PK index on (product_id, trade_id) is good for it, too!

With only very few rows per product_id (the opposite of your data distribution), DISTINCT / DISTINCT ON would be as fast or faster.

Work to implement index skip scans is ongoing.