SELECT or PERFORM in a PL/pgSQL function SELECT or PERFORM in a PL/pgSQL function postgresql postgresql

SELECT or PERFORM in a PL/pgSQL function

In plpgsql code, SELECT without a target triggers an error. But you obviously do not want SELECT INTO, you just want to set the status of FOUND. You would use PERFORM for that.

Better, yet, use IF EXISTS .... Consider this rewrite of your function:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "insertarNuevoArticulo"( nombrearticulo text, descripcion text, idtipo int, idfamilia bigint, artstock int, minstock int, maxstock int, idmarca bigint, precio real, marcastock int)  RETURNS boolean  LANGUAGE plpgsql AS$func$DECLARE    _id_articulo "Articulo"."idArticulo"%TYPE;BEGIN    SELECT a."idArticulo" INTO _id_articulo    FROM   "Articulo" a    WHERE  a."Nombre" = $1 AND a."idTipo" = $3 AND a."idFamilia" = $4;    IF NOT FOUND THEN        INSERT INTO "Articulo"("Nombre", "Descripcion", "idTipo", "idFamilia", "Stock", "MinStock", "MaxStock")        VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7)        RETURNING "Articulo"."idArticulo" INTO _id_articulo;    END IF;   IF EXISTS (SELECT FROM "ArticuloMarca" a              WHERE a."idArticulo" = _id_articulo AND a."idMarca" = $8) THEN      RETURN false;   ELSE      INSERT INTO "ArticuloMarca"("idArticulo", "idMarca", "PrecioReferencial", "Stock")      VALUES (_id_articulo, $8, $9, $10);      RETURN true;    END IF;END$func$;


The other major point:

  • Use the RETURNING clause of the INSERT statement instead of an additional SELECT.

Postgres 9.5+

In Postgres 9.5 or later use INSERT ... ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING (a.k.a. "UPSERT") instead.
You would have UNIQUE constraints on "Articulo"("Nombre", "idTipo", "idFamilia") and "ArticuloMarca"("idArticulo", "idMarca") and then:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION insert_new_articulo( nombrearticulo text, descripcion text, idtipo int, idfamilia bigint, artstock int, minstock int, maxstock int, idmarca bigint, precio real, marcastock int)  RETURNS boolean  LANGUAGE plpgsql AS$func$DECLARE    _id_articulo "Articulo"."idArticulo"%TYPE;BEGIN   LOOP      SELECT "idArticulo" INTO _id_articulo      FROM   "Articulo"      WHERE  "Nombre" = $1 AND "idTipo" = $3 AND "idFamilia" = $4;      EXIT WHEN FOUND;      INSERT INTO "Articulo"("Nombre", "Descripcion", "idTipo", "idFamilia", "Stock", "MinStock", "MaxStock")      VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7)      ON     CONFLICT (tag) DO NOTHING      RETURNING "idArticulo" INTO _id_articulo;      EXIT WHEN FOUND;   END LOOP;   LOOP      INSERT INTO "ArticuloMarca"("idArticulo", "idMarca", "PrecioReferencial", "Stock")      VALUES (_id_articulo, $8, $9, $10)      ON     CONFLICT ("idArticulo", "idMarca") DO NOTHING;      IF FOUND THEN         RETURN true;      END IF;      IF EXISTS (SELECT FROM "ArticuloMarca"                 WHERE "idArticulo" = _id_articulo AND "idMarca" = $8) THEN         RETURN false;      END IF;   END LOOP;END$func$;

This is faster, simpler and more reliable. The added loops rule out any remaining race conditions with concurrent writes (while adding hardly any cost). Without concurrent writes, you can simplify. Detailed explanation:

Aside: use legal, lower-case identifiers to avoid all the noisy double-quotes.

This line looks suspicious to me and is probably what is causing your grief:

SELECT * FROM "ArticuloMarca" AS am WHERE am."idArticulo" = articulo."idArticulo" and am."idMarca" = $8;

You are executing a SELECT within your function, but not doing anything with the results. You need to perform a SELECT INTO like you did earlier in your function.