Size limit of JSON data type in PostgreSQL Size limit of JSON data type in PostgreSQL postgresql postgresql

Size limit of JSON data type in PostgreSQL

Looking at the source for PostgreSQL 9.2.1:

Source: postgresql-9.2.1\src\backend\utils\adt\json.c:/* * Input. */Datumjson_in(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS){    char       *text = PG_GETARG_CSTRING(0);    json_validate_cstring(text);    /* Internal representation is the same as text, for now */    PG_RETURN_TEXT_P(cstring_to_text(text));}

Update for PostgreSQL 9.3.5:

The code has changed in the json_in function, but the json internal representation is still text:

Source: postgresql-9.3.5\src\backend\utils\adt\json.c:/* * Input. */Datumjson_in(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS){    char       *json = PG_GETARG_CSTRING(0);    text       *result = cstring_to_text(json);    JsonLexContext *lex;    /* validate it */    lex = makeJsonLexContext(result, false);    pg_parse_json(lex, &nullSemAction);    /* Internal representation is the same as text, for now */    PG_RETURN_TEXT_P(result);}

So it appears that, for now at least, json is the same as a text datatype but with JSON validation. The text datatype's maximum size is 1GB.

For jsonb fields, if you look at the jsonb.c in the source code, you'll see this function:

checkStringLen(size_t len){    if (len > JENTRY_OFFLENMASK)        ereport(ERROR,                (errcode(ERRCODE_PROGRAM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED),                 errmsg("string too long to represent as jsonb string"),                 errdetail("Due to an implementation restriction, jsonb strings cannot exceed %d bytes.",                           JENTRY_OFFLENMASK)));    return len;}

Error code says that jsonb strings cannot exceed JENTRY_OFFLENMASK bytes.

In jsonb.h, that constant is defined as:


which is 255 MB.

I checked this in the source code for PostgreSQL 9.4 up to 13.