Spring Boot Query annotation with nativeQuery doesn't work in Postgresql Spring Boot Query annotation with nativeQuery doesn't work in Postgresql postgresql postgresql

Spring Boot Query annotation with nativeQuery doesn't work in Postgresql

Ok, I spend really long time trying to make this work for me, BUT I FINALLY GOT IT. Let the future adventurers and community know it as well.

What worked for me was casting to interval presented by A.H. here:

select current_timestamp + ( 2 || ' days')::interval;

Your solution would be then something like that (when 2nd query is analyzed):

@Query(value = "SELECT n.* from nodes n WHERE n.node_id = 10510 AND n.last_good_ping > CURRENT_DATE - ( :interval )\\:\\:interval ", nativeQuery = true)

Or for 3rd query (which is exactly how I made it work in my case)

@Query(value = "SELECT n.* from nodes n WHERE n.node_id = 10510 AND n.last_good_ping > CURRENT_DATE - ( ?1 )\\:\\:interval", nativeQuery = true)

Please notice escaping :: becomes \\:\\:. In your pure SQL which you would test in your SQL editor use ::, but in your repository code within @Query these casting signs needs to be escaped (otherwise your Hibernate/JPA will be displeased).