Spring Webflux Async PostgreSQL Publisher Stops After First Result Spring Webflux Async PostgreSQL Publisher Stops After First Result postgresql postgresql

Spring Webflux Async PostgreSQL Publisher Stops After First Result

I created a Postgres Trigger that fires on INSERTs to my table based on this example:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION table_update_notify() RETURNS trigger AS $$DECLARE  id bigint;BEGIN  IF TG_OP = 'INSERT' THEN    id = NEW.id;  ELSE    id = OLD.id;  END IF;  PERFORM pg_notify('my_trigger_name', json_build_object('table', TG_TABLE_NAME, 'id', id, 'type', TG_OP)::text);  RETURN NEW;END;$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Then I subscribed to that Postgres Trigger using reactive-pg-client.Here is the code from their Pub/Sub example:

@BeanPgPool subscribedNotificationHandler() {    PgPool client = pgPool();    client.getConnection(asyncResult -> {        if (asyncResult.succeeded()) {            PgConnection connection = asyncResult.result();            connection.notificationHandler(notification -> {                notification.getPayload();                // do things with payload            });            connection.query("LISTEN my_trigger_name", ar -> {                log.info("Subscribed to channel");            });        }    });    return client;}