SQL aggregation function to choose the only value SQL aggregation function to choose the only value postgresql postgresql

SQL aggregation function to choose the only value

You can get only the "unique" natural ids using:

select technical_id, max(natural_id), sum(val)from tgroup by technical_idhaving min(natural_id) = max(natural_id);

If you want the query to actually fail, that is a little hard to guarantee. Here is a hacky way to do it:

select technical_id, max(natural_id), sum(val)from tgroup by technical_idhaving (case when min(natural_id) = max(natural_id) then 0 else 1 / (count(*) - count(*)) end) = 0;

And a db<>fiddle illustrating this.

Seems I've finally found solution based on single-row cardinality of correlated subquery in select clause:

select technical_id,       (select v from unnest(array_agg(distinct natural_id)) as u(v)) as natural_id,       sum(val)from tgroup by technical_id;

This is the simplest solution for my situation at this moment so I'll resort to self-accept. Anyway if some disadvantages show, I will describe them here and reaccept to other answer. I appreciate all other proposals and believe they will be valuable for anybody too.

You can use

SELECT technical_id, max(natural_id), count(natural_id)...GROUP BY technical_id;

and throw an error whenever the count is not 1.

If you want to guarantee the constraint with the database, you could do one of these:

  1. Do away with the artificial primary key.

  2. Do something complicated like this:

    CREATE TABLE id_map (   technical_id bigint UNIQUE NOT NULL,   natural_id text UNIQUE NOT NULL,   PRIMARY KEY (technical_id, natural_id));ALTER TABLE t   ADD FOREIGN KEY (technical_id, natural_id) REFERENCES id_map;