sqlite IFNULL() in postgres sqlite IFNULL() in postgres postgresql postgresql

sqlite IFNULL() in postgres

try coalesce:

The COALESCE function returns the first of its arguments that is not null. Null is returned only if all arguments are null

SELECT coalesce(max(code_id) + 1, 1) FROM configentries WHERE configtable_id = ...

Try this, Select NULLIF(Max(code_id), 0) +1 from configentries WHERE configtable_id = ...

All answers are good, but wil only work in situations where only one row is returned.

If you want to query multiple rows and receive a default value if 0 Rows are found, you can use this:

SELECT example_field from "example_table" WHERE attribute='x'UNION SELECT 'my_default_value' FROM  "example_table"  WHERE (SELECT example_field from "example_table" WHERE attribute='x'  LIMIT 1) is NULL