SSL for PostgreSQL connection nodejs SSL for PostgreSQL connection nodejs postgresql postgresql

SSL for PostgreSQL connection nodejs

You can achieve this like this:


You also can use this code below when create a new Client from node-postgres:

var pg = require("pg");var client = new pg.Client({  user: "yourUser",  password: "yourPass",  database: "yourDatabase",  port: 5432,  host: "",  ssl: true});client.connect();var query = client.query('CREATE TABLE people(id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(100) not null)');query.on('row', function(row) {  console.log(;});query.on('end', client.end.bind(client));

Hope this helps!

With Google Cloud PG and pg-promise I had a similar need. The error I got (using ?ssl=true) was connection requires a valid client certificate.

SSL connection is not documented for pg-promise but it is built on node-postgres. As explained in the link, the ssl config parameter can be more than just true:

const pgp = require('pg-promise')();const fs = require('fs');const connectionConf = {    host: '',    port: 5432,    database: 'specific_db_name',    user: 'my_App_user',    password: 'aSecretePass',    ssl: {        rejectUnauthorized : false,        ca   : fs.readFileSync("server-ca.pem").toString(),        key  : fs.readFileSync("client-key.pem").toString(),        cert : fs.readFileSync("client-cert.pem").toString(),  }};const new_db = pgp(connectionConf);new_db.any('SELECT * FROM interesting_table_a LIMIT 10')    .then(res => {console.log(res);})    .catch(err => {console.error(err);})    .then(() => {new_db.$pool.end()});