Trying to find the second largest value in a column (postgres sql) Trying to find the second largest value in a column (postgres sql) postgresql postgresql

Trying to find the second largest value in a column (postgres sql)

Here's another conceptually simple solution that's been running for me in .1 milliseconds on a table of 21 million rows, according to EXPLAIN ANALYZE. It returns nothing in the case where there's only one value.


Note that my table already had existing indices on name, word, and (name, word), which allows me to use ORDER BY like that.

The simplest, albeit inefficient(array can exhaust memory):

select student, (array_agg(grade order by grade desc))[2]from student_gradesgroup by student

The efficient one:

create aggregate two_elements(anyelement)(sfunc = array_limit_two,stype = anyarray,initcond = '{}');create or replace function array_limit_two(anyarray, anyelement) returns anyarrayas $$begin    if array_upper($1,1) = 2 then        return $1;    else        return array_append($1, $2);    end if;end;$$ language 'plpgsql';

Test data:

create table student_grades(student text,grade int);insert into student_grades values ('john',70),('john',80),('john',90),('john',100);insert into student_grades values('paul',20),('paul',10),('paul',50),('paul',30);insert into student_grades values('george',40);

Test code:

-- second largestselect student, coalesce( (two_elements(grade order by grade desc))[2], max(grade) /* min would do too, since it's one element only */ )from student_gradesgroup by student-- second smallestselect student, coalesce( (two_elements(grade order by grade))[2], max(grade) /* min would do too, since it's one element only */ )from student_gradesgroup by student


q_and_a=# -- second largestq_and_a=# select student, coalesce( (two_elements(grade order by grade desc))[2], max(grade) /* min would do too, since it's one element only */ )q_and_a-# fromq_and_a-# student_gradesq_and_a-# group by student; student | coalesce---------+---------- george  |       40 john    |       90 paul    |       30(3 rows)q_and_a=#q_and_a=# -- second smallestq_and_a=# select student, coalesce( (two_elements(grade order by grade))[2], max(grade) /* min would do too, since it's one element only */ )q_and_a-# fromq_and_a-# student_gradesq_and_a-# group by student; student | coalesce---------+---------- george  |       40 john    |       80 paul    |       20(3 rows)

EDIT@diesel The simplest(and efficient also):

-- second largestselect student, array_min(two_elements(grade order by grade desc))from student_gradesgroup by student;-- second smallestselect student, array_max(two_elements(grade order by grade))from student_gradesgroup by student;

The array_max function:

create or replace function array_min(anyarray) returns anyelementas$$select min(unnested) from( select unnest($1) unnested ) as x$$ language sql;create or replace function array_max(anyarray) returns anyelementas$$select max(unnested) from( select unnest($1) unnested ) as x$$ language sql;


Could be the simplest and efficient of all, if only Postgresql would make array_max a built-in function and facilitates LIMIT clause on aggregations :-) LIMIT clause on aggregation is my dream feature on Postgresql

select student, array_max( array_agg(grade order by grade limit 2) )from student_gradesgroup by student;

While that LIMIT on aggregation is not yet available, use this:

-- second largestselect student,     array_min    (        array (                select grade from student_grades                where student = x.student order by grade desc limit 2 )    )from student_grades xgroup by student;-- second smallestselect student,     array_max    (        array (                select grade from student_grades                where student = x.student order by grade limit 2 )    )from student_grades xgroup by student;

This is also brute force, but is guaranteed to only pass the table exactly and only once:

select name,word  from (         select name,word              , row_number() over (partition by name                                        order by word desc)                as rowNum           from apple       ) x where rowNum = 2

This version below may perform better if you have a covering index on (name,word) and there is a high count of word values per name:

with recursive myCte as( select name,max(word) as word      , 1 as rowNum   from apple  group by name  union all select      , (select max(word) as word           from apple           where name =            AND word < par.word        ) as word      , 2 as rowNum   from myCte par  where par.rowNum = 1)select * from myCte where rownum = 2