Unable to start postgres docker container from docker-compose Unable to start postgres docker container from docker-compose postgresql postgresql

Unable to start postgres docker container from docker-compose

The problem caused because the volume which your compose created to store your database still keep old data which initiated by PostgreSQL 9.6. That volume name is postgres-data which created when you use named volume on your docker-compose.yml. So simply to get rid of this, you can use some ways below:

  1. Using docker-compose command:

Run docker-compose down -v, this will stop all your container inside that compose and remove all named volume inside that compose.

You could take a look at docker-compose down command

  1. Using docker volume command:

Run docker volume ls to get list of current volumes on your machine, I think you will see your volume on that list too:

DRIVER              VOLUME NAMElocal               postgres-data

Run docker volume rm postgres-data to remove that volume, if your container still running and you couldn't remove it then you can use -f to force remove it

Hope that helps!