Using return value from DELETE for UPDATE in Postgres Using return value from DELETE for UPDATE in Postgres postgresql postgresql

Using return value from DELETE for UPDATE in Postgres

PostgreSQL doesn't allow mix UPDATE and DELETE statements as subquery.

You can use a little bit different strategy - updateable CTE

postgres=# WITH t1 AS (DELETE FROM foo RETURNING *),                 t2 AS (INSERT INTO deleted                           SELECT * FROM t1 RETURNING *)              SELECT max(a) FROM t2;


postgres=# CREATE TABLE comment(id int, score int);CREATE TABLEpostgres=# CREATE TABLE history(id int, comment_id int, vote int);CREATE TABLEpostgres=# INSERT INTO comment values(1,10);INSERT 0 1postgres=# INSERT INTO comment values(2,20);INSERT 0 1postgres=# INSERT INTO history values(1,1,5);INSERT 0 1postgres=# WITH t1 AS (DELETE FROM history                        WHERE id=1                        RETURNING comment_id, vote)            UPDATE comment SET            FROM t1            WHERE;UPDATE 1postgres=# select * from comment; id | score ----+-------  2 |    20  1 |     5(2 rows)

Attention: It require 9.1 or newer