Using stored procedure returning SETOF record in LEFT OUTER JOIN Using stored procedure returning SETOF record in LEFT OUTER JOIN postgresql postgresql

Using stored procedure returning SETOF record in LEFT OUTER JOIN

Generally, you can expand well known row types (a.k.a. record type, complex type, composite type) with the simple syntax @Daniel supplied:

SELECT, (compute_prices(, current_date)).*FROM   items iWHERE  i.type = 404;

However, if your description is accurate ...

The compute_prices sp returns a setof record.

... we are dealing with anonymous records. Postgres does not know how to expand anonymous records and throws an EXCEPTION in despair:

ERROR:  a column definition list is required for functions returning "record"

PostgreSQL 9.3

There is a solution for that in Postgres 9.3. LATERAL, as mentioned by @a_horse in the comments:

SELECT, sp.*FROM   items iLEFT   JOIN LATERAL compute_prices(,current_date) AS sp (                       price    numeric(15,2)                      ,discount numeric(5,2)                      ,taxes    numeric(5,2)                      ) ON TRUEWHERE i.type = 404;

Details in the manual.

PostgreSQL 9.2 and earlier

Things get hairy. Here's a workaround: write a wrapper function that converts your anonymous records into a well known type:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION compute_prices_wrapper(int, date)  RETURNS TABLE (            price    numeric(15,2)           ,discount numeric(5,2)           ,taxes    numeric(5,2)          ) AS$func$    SELECT * FROM compute_prices($1, $2)    AS t(price    numeric(15,2)        ,discount numeric(5,2)        ,taxes    numeric(5,2));$func$ LANGUAGE sql;

Then you can use the simple solution by @Daniel and just drop in the wrapper function:

SELECT, (compute_prices_wrapper(, current_date)).*FROM   items iWHERE  i.type = 404;

PostgreSQL 8.3 and earlier

PostgreSQL 8.3 has just reached EOL and is unsupported as of now (Feb. 2013).
So you'd better upgrade if at all possible. But if you can't:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION compute_prices_wrapper(int, date           ,OUT price    numeric(15,2)           ,OUT discount numeric(5,2)           ,OUT taxes    numeric(5,2))  RETURNS SETOF record AS$func$    SELECT * FROM compute_prices($1, $2)    AS t(price    numeric(15,2)        ,discount numeric(5,2)        ,taxes    numeric(5,2));$func$ LANGUAGE sql;

Works in later versions, too.

The proper solution would be to fix your function compute_prices() to return a well know type to begin with. Functions returning SETOF record are generally a PITA. I only poke those with a five-meter-pole.

Assuming the compute_prices function always return a record with 3 prices, you could make its return type to TABLE (price numeric(15,2), discount numeric(5,2),taxes numeric(5,2)), and then I believe what you want could be expressed as:

SELECT, (compute_prices(,current_date)).*  FROM items iWHERE i.type=404;

Note that its seems to me that LEFT JOIN ON 1=1 does not differ from an unconstrained normal JOIN (or CROSS JOIN), and I interpreted the question as actually unrelated to the left join.

I believe Daniel's answer will work also but haven't tried it yet. I do know that I have an SP called list_failed_jobs2 in a schema called logging, and a dummy table called Dual (like in Oracle) and the following statement works for me:

select * from Dual left join               (select * from logging.list_failed_jobs2()) q on 1=1;

Note, the SP call will not work without the parens, the correlation (q), or the ON clause. My SP returns a SETOF also.

Thus, I suspect something like this will work for you:

select,sp.*from items ileft join (select * from compute_prices(,current_date)) as sp on 1=1where i.type = 404;

Hope that helps.