WebSocket with free RDMBS (PostgreSQL, SQLite, etc) and without JavaScript ecosystem WebSocket with free RDMBS (PostgreSQL, SQLite, etc) and without JavaScript ecosystem postgresql postgresql

WebSocket with free RDMBS (PostgreSQL, SQLite, etc) and without JavaScript ecosystem

Update 01/23/17: I wrote an application called postgresql2websocket in order to send PostgreSQL notifications over websockets using Python 3 with asyncio + aiohttp + asyncpg https://github.com/frafra/postgresql2websocket; you could combine it with PostgREST in order to have both standard REST APIs and realtime updates using WebSockets.

As far I know, there is no HTTP server extension for using SQL databases with Websockets without anything in the middle.

You can use Python on the server side, like this: Real Time Web Apps with (just) Python and Postgres. I think it could be improved thanks to aiopg. If you don't need Websockets, you can just use ngx_postgres.

If you like Django, Django Channels will be probably included in Django 1.10 (Redis/in-memory/... layer for channels and SQL backend).

You could use SQLite, but bear in mind that you have to implement a separate server side publish/subscribe mechanism (like Django channel does), because SQLite doesn't have one.

If you're just interested in pub/sub over Websockets, you could use Webdis (Redis-based solution): it would be probably lighter than a full SQL database.