What is the best way to sync Postgres and ElasticSearch? What is the best way to sync Postgres and ElasticSearch? postgresql postgresql

What is the best way to sync Postgres and ElasticSearch?

as you are asking for the ways, I assume you want to know the possibilities to apply the better architecture, I would like you to propose an advice given by confluent:

enter image description here

enter image description here

here https://www.confluent.io/blog/bottled-water-real-time-integration-of-postgresql-and-kafka/

I recommend you consider https://github.com/debezium/debezium. It has Postgresql support and implements the change capture model proposed in other posts instead of the dual write model.

debezium benefits:

  • low latency change streaming
  • stores changes in a replicated log for durability
  • emits only write events (creates, updates, deletes) which can be consumed and piped into other systems.

UPD. Here is a simple github repository, which shows how it works